
Hearty Congratulations everyone for being in the Third Day of the Twenty-One Days Lock Down Period

Hope you have gone through the following 21 Days Lock Down Lifestyle Check List:

  1. Optimal Sleep ✅
  2. Personal Hygiene ✅
  3. Regular Exercise ✅
  4. Productive Engrossment✅

Based on the article shared yesterday. Those who joined late can click the link below and view the article shared earlier:

25-March-2020 – 21 Days Lock Down Lifestyle – http://www.wellbiance.com/health/wellness-coaching-top/current-concerns/27-21-days-lockdown-lifestyle

26-March-2020 – http://www.wellbiance.com/health/wellness-coaching-top/current-concerns/29-day-2-21-days-lockdown-lifestyle

Today we are going to deal with a very important aspect of lock down that are emotions during lock down. Go through the article. We are sure it will help you a lot to overcome lock down emotional turmoil. Either download and read the PDF file shared or visit URL –


to read about Emotions during Lock Down. In addition to Common Yoga Protocol as mentioned on 25-March-2020 article you should add Dhyana to your exercise regime.